Intercem Modular System – IMS




INTERCEM received the first order for an INTERCEM MODULAR SYSTEM – IMS with 20-30 tph cement grinding capacity to be built in MODULES. Several process components are installed in portable steel construction units except the ball mill. With the very high level of own products and services, INTERCEM guarantees highest quality with a very short delivery time.

The different MODULES allow highest flexibility in process / production and layout planning. All MODULES are completely pre-assembled and pre-commissioned at the workshop of Intercem in Germany to achieve the shortest possible installation time. The order was given on almost EPC basis and will be installed in West Africa. The IMS contends 1x MODULE raw material hopper station, 1x two compartment ball mill, 1 MODULE high performance separator InterSEP with filter, 2 MODULES packing plant and 2x 500 to cement steel silos.


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