
InterHop für TVA (Terminal Vraquier Abidjan – Sea Invest) – Wherever you need him

The new InterHop Highest flexibility, fast truck loading and dust free operation – the clinker and raw material receiving hopper InterHop guarantees […]

Truck Unloading Station for Solnhofer Portland Zementwerke

Intercem has received a new order from Solnhofer Portland Zementwerke in Q2/2021, after completion of the new coal dust dosing system. This […]

On eye level

The article is about the ambitious plans Kanazoe is pursuing with Cimenterie de la Côte Ouest-Africaine (Cimco) in the Togolese market. All […]

New order: Cimasso II – Cement Grinding Plant Extension Line II – 2,8 million tpa

In May 2016, Intercem’s third order – out of four – with the Cim Metal Group – Cimasso Cement Grinding Plant – […]

Company Profile ZKG 10/2020

1 From second-hand machines to turnkey projects Intercem has been in the cement industry since the 1970s. It all started with the […]

Opportunities for plant manufacturers in Africa – IHK interview

The Intercem Group is successfully active in Africa as a supplier of cement plants. With its parent company in Zug (Switzerland) and […]

New coal dust dosing systems

In November 2019, Solnhofer Portland Cement awarded Intercem the contract for the engineering, planning and installation of 2 coal dust dosing systems. […]

New Project: Les Cimenteries de la Basse Guinée – Groundbreaking

On 8 April 2019, the foundation stone was laid for the new cement grinding plant “Les Cimenteries de la Basse Guinée” in […]

Everything that counts

Intercem Engineering is a leading company for the supply of cement plants and services to the cement industry. Turnkey plants are also planned and built as a combination of used parts and new equipment. A top-class team of engineers also provides comprehensive engineering of the technology and planning of complete new production lines. The components described above can be implemented into a comprehensive solution on request.

Think bigger – with InterCem
We offer either used modernized products, assemble new solutions from used and new components, or build completely new plants.