France – Cem’In’Eu places semi-turnkey order for cement grinding plant with ball mill



Intercem will supply a closed circuit ball mill with vertical high efficiency air separator, mill type two compartment ball mill, Ø 3.20 m x 10.00 m EGL. The first compartment is equipped with lifting liners to assure powerful impact for coarse grinding. The second compartment is equipped with a 3-step classifying liner system to assure ball sorting with high fine grinding action. The intermediate diaphragm allows material flow adjustment to optimize material level in both compartments. Intermediate and outlet diaphragm assure maximum air ventilation.

Installed mill power: 1.300 kW side drive, separator type: Intercem vertical high efficiency separator.

Product collection: Direct separation by air jet filter (70.000 m³/h)

Intercem will execute the following services:

Plant engineering and documentation including mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, programming works and documentation, mechanical assembly works and their supervision as well as mechanical and process commissioning and the training for operators.

The ground breaking ceremony will be held in October 2017 and the start of production is scheduled in April 2018.


Masterlayout Cem’In’Eu

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