New cement grinding plant in Kamsar, Guinea

Following the successfully finished projects in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso, Intercem has been granted a new order in West Africa from “Les Cimenteries de la Basse-Guinée” for a 500.000 tpa cement grinding plant including raw material shed, hopper station, packing plant and truck loading station in Kamsar, Guinea.

Project description:

The contract contains the raw material storage with a capacity of 12.000 t, a 70 tph cement grinding plant with VRM (vertical roller mill with 4 rollers and installed power of 1.250 kW) and high efficiency separator, the transport to 2 x 1000 t cement silos, 2 truck loading stations for bulk cement, the packing plant with 8-spout rotary packer and 2 loading stations for bagged cement, the sub-systems, the electrical equipment, the complete engineering, the supervision of the erection and the commissioning. The entire equipment will be delivered exclusively by renowned European manufacturers.
Groundbreaking is previewed for beginning of March 2019.
Schedule: Start of cement production is scheduled 14 months after coming into force of the contract


Winter revision

For many years Intercem has been commissioned with the maintenance work in the course of the winter revision in the cement works of a well-known German concern. This shows that Intercem has proven to be a reliable partner in the quality of its work.
The following works were carried out:
Refurbishment of the screw field of one dryer, lining of the second dryer with track plate, renewal of two honeycomb fields and an intermediate field as well as screw controls. The complete tooling required for this purpose, the blasting system, a compressor and a forklift were provided by Intercem.

Optimisation of the secondary fuel dosing system


In a German cement plant the secondary fuel dosing system had to be optimized and Intercem was commissioned to do so. The scope of delivery includes the following items:

Disassembly on site, refurbishment of the trough chain conveyors still to be used, construction of a new bunker and installation of the refurbished screws. This combination of new and refurbished parts ensures that the costs for the customer can be kept as low as possible. The engineering as well as the assembly of the new components and the provision of the necessary cranes, hoists and other equipment are also included.

New silos for Lübeck



The cement plant Lübeck has appointed Intercem to supply a silo unit consisting of 4 steel silos with a capacity of 1,200 m3 each. In addition, the bulk loading and the complex cement conveying via air slides and bucket elevators leading over the complete area of the plant are part of the scope of supply. Further services:

Engineering and associated plant components, such as

support structure
bucket elevators
return lines
electrical equipment

as well as building application and dispatch automation.

Intercem was able to convince the German cement manufacturer of its efficiency and flexibility with this turn-key solution. Completion is scheduled for the third quarter of 2019.


New activities in Russia

Intercem has been awarded the contract to supply a high-efficiency separator ICS 143, as well as the associated plant aggregates for a new cement plant in Russia. The high-efficiency separator, an in-house development manufactured in the company workshop, has a capacity of 115 t / h at 3,000 cm2/g acc. to Blaine and a total output of 258 t/h. The volume flow classifying air is 143.000 m3/h. The scope of supply also includes the engineering for the complete grinding plant as well as the supervision of the assembly and the commissioning of the components included in the delivery.

New order for Intercem of renowned German cement producer



Intercem has received an order for the optimization of the raw meal dosing from a renowned German cement plant.

Currently the raw meal dosing of a kiln is situated in front of the bucket elevator of the heat exchanger building. After the bucket elevator, the material flow is divided volumetrically by an air chute system to both of the heat exchanger pipes. The sealing to the exchanger is realized by two rotary valves.

The existing dosing will also be used further on for the realization of the feed rate. After the bucket elevator, the flow rate is divided by an adjustable splitter. The material is guided to the two dosing bunkers by means of air chutes. Each single pipe of the heat exchanger is separately supplied with raw meal gravimetrically from the dosing bunkers by mass flow dosing devices. Subsequently the raw meal is led to the feeding point over a short pneumatic conveyor.

Intercem’s scope of supply and services comprises the measurement by 3D scan of the respective area in the heat exchanger building as well as the delivery, assembly and commissioning of the process plant. The special challenge is the planning into the existing site and – due to the height of the building – the assembly of the plant without crane support.


SOFICO-Intercem: EP Contract for cement plant in Haiti



The cement plant is designed for all departments of the cement plants:

  • Crushing of raw materials
  • Raw material storage and homogenisation
  • Raw mix control
  • Raw mix material grinding and kiln dedusting
  • Raw mix material storage and pre-blending
  • Clinker burning and storage
  • Cement grinding
  • Cement storage
  • Cement packing & truck loading
  • Coal grinding plant

Project description:

In general the contract contains the crushing and storage of limestone/additives, a raw material grinding plant, a raw material homogenisation silo with the feeding system to the 5-stage single-string preheater tower including pre-calciner.

The rotary kiln has a capacity of 5.000 tpd clinker and a kiln filter system. The clinker cooler is equipped with an air/air heat-exchanger and bag filter to dedust the system.

The clinker will be stored in a 100.000 to clinker storage and the cement grinding plant with a VRM has a capacity of 6.000 tpd.


The cement will be stored in 4 x 5.500 to concrete cement silos with bulk loading stations. 3 x 8 spout rotary valve bag packers including 4 x truck loading systems have a capacity of 8.000 tpd.

The scope of supply includes the entire engineering, project management, transport, mechanical & electrical equipment and the supervision of the civil works, mechanical and electrical erection works and the supervision of the commissioning.

The engineering and the deliveries will be executed according to the Best Technology Available (BTA). All equipment will be delivered from first-call manufacturers based in Germany or other EU countries.

The execution of this ambitious project will be based – as usual – on the motto:

Fast. Fair. Flexible.


New order for Intercem from Sea Invest in Côte d’Ivoire



After completion and successful commissioning of the EPC-based ship unloading system for Sea Invest in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in Q4/2017, Intercem was again contacted by Sea Invest, this time regarding the extension of the existing ship unloading system for the CIMAF cement grinding plant in San Pedro, Ivory Coast, also based on EPC. The contract was agreed between the Vice President of CIMAF in San Pedro, Melik Sefrioui, and the Managing Director of Intercem, Olaf Michelswirth. The order includes a 3D scan of the existing system to ensure planning reliability. Intercem will carry out the engineering, foundation work, supplies, installation and commissioning. Completion of the contract is scheduled for Q4/2018.