Groundbreaking in Burkina Faso



On 03.03.2016 the third contract between Kanis International Group for CIMASSO in Bobo Dioulasso / Burkina Faso and Intercem was concluded for the largest order in the company history. Already on 27.05.2016 the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a cement grinding plant with a capacity of 6.500 t/day took place .

The Prime Minister, further high-ranking government representatives from Burkina Faso, local and international business representatives, the President of Kanis International Group Mr. Inoussa Kanazoe, Intercem’s management and further 4000 guests took part in this official and significant opening ceremony.


Intercem’s scope of supply comprises the engineering, the supply of mechanical and electrical equipment of exclusively European origin, the project management and the supervision of erection as well as the commissioning.

The following scope of supply was agreed:

  • Train unloading station for clinker
  • Truck unloading for lime & additives
  • Storage of 100.000 t of clinker & raw materials
  • Raw material shed & dosing station
  • 6500 tpd cement grinding plant with VRM
  • 4x 4000 t cement silos
  • 8000 tpd loading of cement bags incl. the truck loading station


On the occasion of this groundbreaking, a donation of 5.000 EURO was handed over from Intercem to the director of the educational institution LPTIC-B, Mr. Sibiri Sanou, the representative on site of the charitable organisation Werkhof Darmstadt e.V.. This donation is destined for the establishment and equipment of the educational institution for technical and economical professions, which supports the professional education of young people from poor families. This project of Werkhof Darmstadt e.V. is officially recognized by the German authority for economical collaboration and development “Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung”. It is very particular that the authority increases nine-fold each donated EURO, which means that – based on the donation of Intercem – an amount of 50.000 EURO is available for the supported educational project. Intercem would appreciate this donation to act as a signal and wants to support the development of the poor country.

Largest order in the company history – and it still continues…



On 03.03.2016, a contract between CIMASSO (Burkina Faso) – a sister company of CIMFASO and CIM IVOIRE – was concluded. As before in the contract with CIMFASO and CIM IVOIRE, Intercem was charged with the construction of a cement grinding plant. Also for this plant, Intercem’s scope of supply will comprise the engineering, supply of mechanical and electrical equipment, project management and the supervision of erection and commissioning. The capacity of the grinding plant will be of 6.500 t/day.

Moreover, during negotiations for this new contract, the existing contract with CIM IVOIRE, which was signed on 30.10.2015, was updated from a grinding capacity of 6.500 to 8.650 t/day. The planned rail and truck loading station will be extended by an unloading station for raw materials such as Dolomite delivered from Burkina Faso to Ivory Cote respectively clinker and gypsum supplied to Burkina Faso. Furthermore, a new storage hall for these materials is previewed.

The challenging timeframe for the new project CIMASSO is also only 18 months and will be executed in parallel to the construction in Abidjan.


Intercem convinced the customer also in this case according to its motto “Fast, fair, flexible” of its efficiency and customer orientation, which was already proved by the construction and commissioning of the cement grinding plant for the sister company CIMFASO in Burkina Faso at the beginning of 2015.


„To be continued“ – largest order in the history of company



Intercem and CimIvoire signed the contract for the delivery of a cement grinding plant for the harbour of Abidjan, one of the most important harbours of West Africa, in Abidjan on 30.10.2015.

This order is the largest single contract ever in the history of the Intercem group of companies and already the second contract between both partners.

The first project, the CIMFASO cement grinding plant in Burkina Faso (see news), started production in January 2015. The ‘fast.fair.flexible’ project handling, the high level of trust in Intercem as well as the approved quality convinced the client to continue with Intercem.

To be continued

The continuation was foreseen to be done in Abidjan / Cote d’Ivoire. After securing of the land inside the harbour of Abidjan the most difficult engineering works started. Different independent plots were made available to place the clinker silos, cement grinding pant with a VRM, the cement silos and the packing plant / truck loading station independently.

The master layout was jointly worked out and a most comprehensive and suitable solution was created and found.

Intercem has been a successful player since more than 40 years in the cement industry and this order is the largest single contract ever in the history of the Intercem group of companies.

Project description:

This contract contains the transport of the clinker / raw material to the storages, 2x 50.000 to clinker silos, a raw material storage hall for additives and gypsum, a 6.500 tpd cement grinding plant with VRM, 4x 5.500 to cement silos, a packing plant with 4x rotary packers and 4x truck loading stations. Further to this an independent clinker train & truck loading station will be installed to feed the sister company CIMFASO in Burkina Faso with clinker and raw material.

The entire equipment will be delivered by renowned- and very well-known European manufacturers only.

The scope of supply includes the entire engineering, mechanical and electrical equipment, project management and, as in the previous project in Burkina Faso, the supervision of erection and commissioning, based on the motto “never change a winning team”.

In this project the tight timeframe for implementing from signing to put the plant into operation is a challenge again – 18 months. But the process is already on its way.

More projects are foreseen in the region and this cooperation will be continued shortly to suit the investor’s master plan and the cement demand of the region.


Intercem Modular System – IMS




INTERCEM received the first order for an INTERCEM MODULAR SYSTEM – IMS with 20-30 tph cement grinding capacity to be built in MODULES. Several process components are installed in portable steel construction units except the ball mill. With the very high level of own products and services, INTERCEM guarantees highest quality with a very short delivery time.

The different MODULES allow highest flexibility in process / production and layout planning. All MODULES are completely pre-assembled and pre-commissioned at the workshop of Intercem in Germany to achieve the shortest possible installation time. The order was given on almost EPC basis and will be installed in West Africa. The IMS contends 1x MODULE raw material hopper station, 1x two compartment ball mill, 1 MODULE high performance separator InterSEP with filter, 2 MODULES packing plant and 2x 500 to cement steel silos.


Intercem Cement AG is moving from Zurich to Zug



We are excited to announce that our Swiss company headquarters in Zurich are relocating to Zug. From 1st May 2014, we will be available to you from our new, state-of-the-art facility, providing the same standard of service you have come to expect from us. Due to the relocation, our office will be closed on 30th April 2014. However, our colleagues in Germany will be happy to deal with any enquiries on our behalf. Please update our address and contact details in your records as follows:

Intercem Cement AG
Baarerstrasse 125
6300 Zug
Tel. +41 41 229 30 60
Fax. +41 41 229 30 69

Individual e-mail addresses and our website will remain unchanged. Our German facility in Oelde is not affected by this relocation.

Our Swiss team is looking forward to seeing our new premises and to working with you again.